DBOL is a kind of supplement that is used to help with bodybuilding and muscle building. The drug is also called trenbolone in the United States. DBOL is sold under many brand names, including Danabol and Anabol, but each brand has slightly unique characteristics. The drug is often mixed with other supplement, like testosterone, to boost its effectiveness and is used by athletes to gain bulk. The supplement was originally approved as a growth promoter for animals and was not used in humans until the 1960s. When bodybuilders began using the drug, there were no regulations about how it should be prescribed and what level of dosage should be given out, which led to many people overdosing on the drug.

DBOL is not an anabolic supplement and cannot convert into estrogen or testosterone in the body. It is also not a testosterone booster, but is a decongestant, meaning that it helps to relieve and eliminate excess fluid around the body by affecting the fluid in the lungs. The drug helps to restore lung tissue and increases surfactant, which is what makes the lungs work so well. It increases lung capacity and decreases swelling. DBOL does not cause thinning of the skin and thickens it on top of promoting muscle growth. It also stimulates collagen synthesis, which aids in cell renewal and strengthens connective tissue.

There are several ways to use DBOL: oral consumption or injectable consumption. In both cases, the drug is injected into the stomach or muscles; however, in oral consumption, it is typically taken as a pill or liquid while in injection cases; it is sometimes given via intramuscular or subcutaneous injections. In both cases, the drug can create a quick and large amount of muscle growth by reducing water weight in the body. It also helps to increase strength, which is why it is frequently used by bodybuilders and other athletes. DBOL can be addictive, so it should be used sparingly or not at all.